How To Use Case When In Php

Tanggal : 13 Feb 2023, Category : Tutorial, Create By : admin

The switch statement in PHP can be used as an alternative to multiple if statements. The switch statement tests a variable or expression against multiple cases and executes the code for the matching case. Here's an example of using a switch statement in PHP:

$day_of_week = "Monday";

switch ($day_of_week) {
case "Monday":
echo "Today is Monday";
case "Tuesday":
echo "Today is Tuesday";
case "Wednesday":
echo "Today is Wednesday";
echo "Today is not Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday";

In this example, the variable $day_of_week is tested against each case in the switch statement. If the value of $day_of_week is "Monday", the code in the first case will be executed and "Today is Monday" will be outputted. If the value of $day_of_week does not match any of the cases, the code in the default case will be executed.

  • How To Use Case When In Php

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