Css Fonts And How To Use Them

Tanggal : 15 Feb 2023, Category : CSS, Create By : admin

CSS fonts are used to control the appearance of text on a web page. Here's how to use them:

  1. To set the font family for an element, use the font-family property. You can specify a specific font, such as Arial, or a generic font family, such as sans-serif or serif. If the specific font is not available, the browser will fall back to the next font in the list, or the default browser font.
     font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  2. Use the font-size property to set the size of the font in pixels, ems, rems, or percentages.
     font-size: 16px;
  3. Use the font-weight property to set the weight of the font, such as normal or bold.
     font-weight: bold;
  4. Use the font-style property to set the style of the font, such as normal, italic, or oblique.
     font-style: italic;
  5. Use the text-decoration property to add decoration to the text, such as underline, overline, or line-through.
     text-decoration: underline;
  6. Use the text-transform property to transform the text, such as uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize.
     text-transform: uppercase;
  7. Use the line-height property to set the height of the line of text.
     line-height: 1.5;
  8. Use the letter-spacing property to set the spacing between letters.
     letter-spacing: 2px;

In summary, CSS fonts are an essential way to control the appearance of text on your web page. Use the font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-decoration, text-transform, line-height, and letter-spacing properties to adjust the font to your preference. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect font for your page.

  • CSS Fonts And How To Use Them

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